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On the other hand, micro economics focusses on how people and companies make decisions and see causes&consequences. It deal with from household, consunption, companies to Market and supply&demand issue.
If we expects to be emplyee or employer at architecture office, it is necessary to know the whole financial system and must be sensitive to the environment trend.

My impression

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In my openion, we are currently distressed by this financial system itself. Since 19th century, architects start to be recognized as a paid workers and restricted by contract. Now the world tends to limit new construction. Instead, it starts to strengthen network of prexistence points.
Forexample, facebook, the social network system, Google latitude(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Oq-9enE-k) and globalization movement. Those are good to make more firm connection, at the same time they shut the door against debutants. The financial world becomes globalized but the social world becomes getting closed.
I am afraid that reationship of client-architect will be changed: their connection is based on not only supply&demand issue but the power of media and human references. The individual connection, like patron will be more important. Moreover the power of the world network connection will be necessary to survive. Otherwise, it might be difficult to entry into today.